Allied Military Government for Occupied Territories

The Allied Military Government for Occupied Territories (originally abbreviated AMGOT, later AMG) was the form of military rule administered by Allied forces during and after World War II within European territories they occupied.


Notable AMGOT

This form of controlled government was implemented in the states of Germany, Italy,[1] Austria and Japan, amongst others.


The AMGOT would have been implemented in France after its liberation if not for General Charles de Gaulle establishing control of the country per the Provisional Government of the French Republic in the name of the Free French Forces and the united French Resistance (FFI) following the liberation of Paris by the French themselves instead of the Allies, in August 1944.


Germany's control was notably divided amongst the powers of the Soviet Union, the United States, the United Kingdom, and France.

Free Territory of Trieste

The Allied Military Government of Zone A of the Free Territory of Trieste was a follow-on from the military government of occupied Italy. It was established upon implementation of the Treaty of Peace with Italy, 15 September 1947, which created the free territory divided into two zones. Zone A was administered by the United States and the United Kingdom. Zone B was administered by Yugoslavia. Military government ended when the free territory was divided between Italy and Yugoslavia, November 1954, under the provisions of a memorandum of understanding among the United States, United Kingdom, Italy and Yugoslavia.

See also


  1. ^ Friendly Isle, Time, July 26, 1943



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